

Whereabouts Information

Athletes who belong to the Registered Testing Pool of ADAMAS or the International Sports Federation are advised to refer to ADAMAS or the respective International Federation to find out the status of your Whereabouts information.

It is the responsibility of an athlete to set the best example in ensuring the integrity of the sport is preserved. Providing accurate Whereabouts information will enable ADAMAS or any anti-doping organization/international association to carry out anti-doping tests without prior notice in dealing with symptoms of the use of prohibited substances/methods among athletes.

Failure to update Whereabouts information is an anti-doping offence.

Whereabouts Information Required ?

Athletes should update daily Whereabouts information even if you are on vacation or participating in a tournament. Daily Whereabouts information is filled quarterly each year. Among the information that must be updated are:
Address and contact details
Example: Home address, phone number and e-mail address
Temporary address (if staying overnight elsewhere)
Example: Full address of hotel, hostel or accommodation
60-minute period. A specific 60-minute period between 6.00am to 11.00pm every day including the athlete's location to undergo an anti-doping test
Competition schedule and location full name and address of each competition location where athletes are expected to compete

Location of training and other activities date, duration, name and full address of each training location or where the athlete carries out daily activities (example: school, college, office)

Any athlete can still be tested anytime and anywhere, even if not belonging to any RTP.

Contact Us

Agensi Anti-Doping Malaysia (ADAMAS) Aras 7,
Menara KBS, Kementerian Belia dan Sukan, 
No.27 Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4, 
62570 Putrajaya, Malaysia

  • dummy+603-8871 3569 

  • dummy+603-8888 8730

  • dummy adamas@kbs.gov.my